What makes Mason worth it


Maeve Keating, Staff Reporter

With all of the stress that comes along with being a student at Mason, it is important to remember the things that make coming to school a fun experience; unique to being a Mustang. Here are our top ten favorite things about coming to school.

1. Enrique the raccoon

Outside a classroom.
The exterior of Ms. Raeder’s classroom, the area where the most raccoon reports have been. Photo by George Price.

Around December, there was a raccoon who liked to play in the ceilings of our school near Ms. Raeder’s room. Named Enrique by students, this furry friend added excitement to everyday English class.

2. Ms. Frisbie’s room

A decorated classroom.
Frisbie teaches a class. Photo by Eleanor Kay.

Although Ms. Frisbie has not been at Mason long, she is already very well known for her gorgeously decorated room. Students can visit for some blankets, hot water for tea, and even snacks!

3. Sitting in teachers’ chairs

Senior Jason Mueller listens to music while sitting in Mr. Walsh’s chair. Photo by George Price.

The classroom chairs are not terrible, but once you’ve felt the soft recline of a teacher’s desk chair, it’s hard to go back.

4. Alcoves

Students sit in alcove.
Students pose for a picture in the senior alcove. Photo by Eleanor Kay.

While the privilege of having an alcove is reserved for upperclassmen, it can give our younger students something to look forward to as they progress through high school. Going to the alcove during Mustang block to listen to some music and catch up with friends is a great start to the day.

5. Seeing friends

Two students pose with each other.
Seniors Mark Hine (left) and Adam Janicki. Photo by George Price.

School is one of the few places in life where you can see your friends consistently and without fail. When classes get tough, knowing you get to hug your best friend tomorrow means a lot.

6. French toast/breakfast

Student in lunch line.
A student reaches for hash browns in the lunch line. Photo by George Price.

After a difficult first block, heading to the Mustang Cafe during Mustang block for some french toast or waffles is a great pick-me-up.

7. TLC bathrooms

Student washing hands in bathroom.
Photo by Eleanor Kay.

The bathrooms in the TLC are filled with beautiful natural light and glowing windows, and are a hotspot for doing emergency makeup in the morning.

8. Water bottle filler

Photo by George Price.

Despite being hidden from the hub of the school, this water fountain located near the ESR never fails to provide cool, crisp water and is a small luxury that encourages students to reduce their use of plastic water bottles. 

9. Gossiping with teachers

Students talking with a teacher.
Junior Sebastian Aguilar and sophomore Kim Sanchez talk with Mr. Walsh. Photo by Eleanor Kay.

After seeing each other every day for years, students and teachers often develop friendly relationships where they can talk about anything from assignments to their struggles in another class.

10. The nice security guards

Security guard stands behind desk.
Mr. Ship guards the front desk. Photo by Eleanor Kay.

Every morning, Mr. Ship make sure to wish a great day upon every student who walks through the doors. The security guards never fail to be kind and uplifting throughout stressful times.