10 Steps to 10th Grade


Megan Butler

Editor’s Note: We are re-publishing this popular series for the start of a new school year. This story originally ran in 2015.

  1. Stop complaining.

Yes, it works freshman year to convince teachers to push back a test, give less homework, etc. But, 10th grade teachers are far less patient. Complaining about AP Gov to Ms. Mahony will only get you the same response, ‘This is a college level course.’ Also, it probably annoys a lot of upperclassmen who have harder classes than you.


  1. Do NOT, I repeat do NOT check the little box to receive emails from ‘colleges interested in you’ when you take the PSAT.

If you do this, you will receive about 10 spam emails a day from some pretty weird colleges (Ursinus College???) and the emails are not special either. Sorry, but they are the same automated message sent to every other high school kid that filled in that little box on the PSATs.


  1. Know that you can switch out of classes.

If you walk into school during the first ten days and find learn that you signed up for a class you don’t want to take, switch out! All you have to do is go meet with your counselor and let them know that the class just isn’t going to work out for you. It will make you a lot happier in the long run.


  1. Get your learner’s permit ASAP.

Sophomore year is usually the year where everyone starts driving, and trust me, it is absolutely miserable if you wait to get your permit late (I speak from experience) and then see people getting their license before you, who are younger than you.


  1. SLEEP!

Try to sleep when you can! After having your first couple all-nighters, sleep will become your best friend and you’ll finally learn how wonderful it is.


  1. Please please please go somewhere for Mustang Block besides the cafeteria.

Actually be productive during Mustang Block, and you’ll have to be. Say goodbye to crowding the cafeteria (that seems to be the goal of the freshman class this year), and go do homework, study, and make use of your life.


  1. Use these suggestions for AP Gov.

If you are taking AP Gov, please know these few things: (1) Don’t think you can finish your gov homework the day that is is due. You can’t. It usually at least takes about an hour or more, depending on the person and assignment. (2) That being said, try to do the Woll readings first! They are harder and longer and getting them done first feels amazing. (3) Test corrections actually save your life, so do them


  1. Know that the English books are awful compared to Freshman year.

They simply are not as fun to read, they’re just annoying. You’re going to be Sparknoting a whole lot this year, but please understand that most times Sparknotes is not enough to get a good grade.


  1. Participate and have fun.

Be active members of the GM community. It makes life so much more enjoyable for everyone; apathy is stupid. Go hard in the pep rally, have a blast during Sophmorphing (not trying to win the Scavenger Hunt is usually more fun), enjoy every possible snow day, and please don’t let the Freshman beat you in dodgeball during spirit week.


  1. Try Harder.

Expect more work because school starts off strongly. Check schoology periodically throughout the day! It’s incredibly useful and teachers use it a lot more. Try your absolute best and don’t procrastinate.