New curriculum introduced to Champ Training
Junior Clay Bond lifts weights in the weight room. This year’s new curriculum allows student workouts to be more personalized. (Photo by Sarah Lambert.)
December 10, 2019
Many George Mason students live a healthy lifestyle in which they work out on almost a daily basis, whether it be for school sports, or just to stay in shape.
And many others do all that for a grade in PowerSchool.
The Champion Training class, or Champ Training as everyone calls it, is a course available for Mason students as an elective. Mason has been offering the class for quite some time and the students who take it work on ab workouts as a group, weight lifting, and physical endurance.
This year, the curriculum experienced some changes and has become more individualized than ever before.
“The workout was on the board and students followed that throughout the year,” said Champion Training class teacher, Coach Gibbons. “Now, each athlete has a workout packet to complete which changes every two weeks.”
The new setup of the class allows students to receive workouts that are tailored to their individual needs as an athlete. Whether it be shooting hoops or bench pressing, the athletes in the class all have a workout tailored to them. Coach Gibbons said that if coaches provide the student with a workout for their sport, they should follow that.

“It’s good, it’s different,” senior Isabel Caton said. “It’s a lot more organized.”
The student-athletes track their progress month by month to see how their strength improves.
“I think we’re doing a lot more and we’re actually getting training in.” senior Farhid Negahban said. “Before we just kind of used it as a study block and now we’re actually doing things.”
“The students are focused and working hard each class,” Coach Gibbons said.
These simple yet helpful changes are allowing for a more structured course that students are responding well to. Yet, Gibbons hopes for just one more thing.
“Now, we just need more females to sign up for the class.”