Julia Rosenberger: A quarantine Q&A

Senior Julia Rosenberger, who put together a commemorative video of senior girls getting ready for virtual prom, reflects on her final days at Mason.

Eva Williams, Editor-in-Chief

Julia Rosenberger (second from right) had to take her graduation pictures at home, along with the rest of the Class of 2020. (Photo courtesy of Julia Rosenberger)

What do you miss the most about Mason?

I miss the homey atmosphere at Mason. Everyone knows each other and it’s impossible to walk down the halls without being greeted by a teacher or a student. After being at Mason for four years, I have met so many amazing people that I wasn’t ready to let go of so abruptly.

How has your experience been with online learning? 

It was hard to really get invested into the online learning because it was just a huge change very quickly, especially as a senior. My class was looking forward to finally having fun and relaxing during second semester and online classes wasn’t really what we had in mind. 

How did you come up with the idea for your virtual prom video? How did you organize it? 

The Prom video that I created was just something small I wanted to do for the senior girls. Although many of us got to experience prom last year, I know a bunch of other seniors and I were looking forward to getting ready for our final prom all together. Getting ready is by far one of the most exciting, fun parts of prom and I wanted to be able to do something with all the girls in my class. I was inspired by the TikTok trends going around. I just wanted to make a cringey, goofy video that we could all look back at one day and remember how strange our senior year was. The video turned out to be something really special and I got a lot of love from people who saw it. I’m just really happy I had the opportunity to give the Class of 2020 girls a chance to remember a night that should have been really special for all of us, they all deserve it.

Have you/the senior class thought about a senior prank? 

The senior class was definitely planning a senior prank months in advance to the end of the year… was it actually going to work… probably not but there were a lot of seniors with a lot of pets ready to go when the day presented itself.

What experience are you the most disappointed in not being able to participate in? 

Personally, I’m most disappointed that I was not able to play my final year of soccer. The team was full of talented girls with huge personalities that I absolutely adored. The coaching staff was amazing and the games were always competitive. George Mason Girls Soccer has been one of the best parts of my high school career and it still hasn’t sunk it that I will never be on that field again with those girls. There is a special place in my heart for all the senior spring sport athletes who lost their final year. 

Senior Julia Rosenberger has been able to stay optimistic during the quarantine thanks to her family, pictured. (Photo courtesy of Julia Rosenberger)

What has helped you stay optimistic through quarantine? 

My friends and family have kept me optimistic during quarantine. Although you can’t experience  what you could have with your friends, FaceTiming and planning things for the future allows you to create a little bit of excitement for when all of this is over. Spending time with family has been something I relied on during quarantine and has brought me a lot of entertainment while stuck inside.