Girls basketball bounces back
After a lack of practice for over six months, the team makes its return to play.
September 17, 2020

“Have you experienced symptoms of muscle aches, shortness of breath, loss of taste, loss of smell, fever, or chills in the past 14 days?” While this may seem like an unusual question, it has become the norm for girls’ basketball players.
The girls basketball program is one of the few sports teams that have begun their preseason workouts. They meet every Tuesday and Thursday from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m., splitting their time between the turf field and the gym.
While the team is excited to be back together, a lot of things have changed since the last time they practiced.
“Last year, off the bat we started doing basketball drills, but this year we aren’t even allowed to touch a basketball yet because of social distancing and Corona[virus],” freshman Maureen Tremblay said.
In accordance with new social distancing guidelines, Mason sports are restricted from using any equipment until September 21. Despite this, varsity head coach Chris Carrico decided to get a jumpstart on the season and hold optional workouts.
“If you’re in better condition before the basketball stuff starts, we don’t have to worry about getting in shape. The earlier we start, the better it is for us,” Carrico said.

Though it can be frustrating to have so many restrictions placed on the workouts, many players are reaping the benefits of the extra physical activity.
“I think the workouts are doing well getting us into shape. However, I can’t wait for us to start using equipment and practicing like a team,” junior Rianna Arsenault said.
The workouts also provide a space for athletes to interact with each other after such a long separation during quarantine.
“I like seeing everybody because we haven’t been together in a while and I like how we encourage each other,” sophomore Peyton Jones said.
Unfortunately, these workouts and the season as a whole are heavily dependent on the levels of COVID-19 spread in Virginia.
Although the future of the girls’ basketball season remains uncertain, the players are staying positive through it all.
“I really want a season this year, even if it’s a short one,” Arsenault said. “The basketball team is like a second family to me, and I miss them.”
Shawn Costigan • Sep 20, 2020 at 9:15 AM
Well done. Proud of you BestE!