Need a break from your computer? Here are some ideas

Harshini Velmurugan, Staff Reporter

We at the Lasso have written a lot about ways to relax during this tumultuous, stressful period of all of our loves. As we near the end of the first semester, projects and tests are piling up, and the world around us is chaotic and overwhelming—we could all use a break. What should you do after a full day of staring at your computer? Here is a list of non-electronic activities that you can do to relax.

Complete a puzzle

A great way you can while away your time without electronics is to go get a puzzle and complete it. Are you up for a challenge? Then grab a 500+ or 1000+ puzzle piece and complete it. Do a crossword puzzle, if you are more of a words and letters person. 

a bike in the middle of an empty street.
Nothing is more relaxing and fun than to go biking on the windiest Tuesday. (Photo by Harshini Velmurugan)

Go for a cold bike ride

Winter is fastly approaching, once again cooling the hot earth. If you are an outside person, strap on your helmet and pedal yourself away from your electronics. Before snow takes over the roads, and sidewalks, go on a short bike ride to relax and feel the cold air. Want to know more about  bikes? Join the bike club to discuss bikes, in general, and also learn how to maintain, and repair them. Reach out to Mr. George for more information.

Clean and organize your room

Since, you are spending a lot of time in your room, why not clean and organize it? Studying in a clean environment certainly helps you to focus and concentrate on your work. Make your bed, do your laundry, clean your desk after studying, etc. Just an extra tip, change your closet from fall clothes to winter clothes, so that you can get ready for the next season.

Plan your family’s dinner that night

Search up some cool and yummy recipes for your family’s dinner. Plan that night’s dinner and also cook with your family in the kitchen. Of course, you don’t have to do this everyday, but try to engage in your family’s activities more during this time of the day.

Piano and sheet music
Music is like honey to our ears, but it is even sweeter when we play it by ourselves. (Photo by Harshini Velmurugan)

Haven’t touched an instrument for a long time? Do it now!

Familiarizing your hands on your instrument after a long time is certainly difficult. But, use this time to practice and acquaint yourself with it. Practice new songs, compose, make covers of other songs. You have all the time now to lay your hands on your instrument.

Grab your things and play your favorite sport

Soccer, basketball, badminton, tennis, and volleyball are just a few of the many sports you can play with your friends and family. Put some oil on your rusted joints to play your preferred sport after school to feel more refreshed. Many Mason students who are active in sports are going to school to practice their sports, but you can practice at home, in your backyard, or in a park too.  Nothing is more pleasing than to see your improvement after practicing your favorite sport.

Of course, don’t forget your homework. But first rest for a while, disconnect from your devices and enjoy the activities like listed above. Then, go back to your desk and finish that homework!