Meet the new SCA Exec Board
September 28, 2021
Last year was complicated, but the 2021-2022 school year holds new opportunities for the student council.

For most students at Meridian, attending school spirit events is just one of the many ways to fully embrace the high school experience. But who is actually representing the student body when it comes to planning these events?
The SCA Executive Board at Meridian is an imaginative group of people who are ready to get things done for their fellow Mustangs. The board consists of senior Sarah Ettinger, junior Erin Tarpgaard, senior Ariana Hameed, senior Sam Mostow, and junior Chloe Calabrese.
“I love our school community. I love how engaged Meridian students are,” vice president Erin Targaard says. For her and the rest of the Exec Board, it’s a priority to bring everyone to the table because students are willing to participate in school activities.
“It’s important to listen to all voices, hear all perspectives, and keep everything everyone has to say in mind.” says treasurer Sam Mostow.
Director of Communications Ariana Hameed says, “I love advocating for students. I feel like I’m actually making a difference in the school community… we have the resources and ability to actually make some changes.” She emphasized how administrators are willing to listen to what the SCA has to say because it is a voice for the students.
“I like bringing all grades’ voices to the table and seeing everyones ideas be incorporated into different events.” President Sarah Ettinger states. The collaboration between the Exec Board is very prominent, they’re constantly sharing thoughts with each other to contribute to the greater good.
“I really like making a lot of extra things in school happen. Events like homecoming make school a lot more fun and bring people together.” Secretary Chloe Calabrese explained about why she loves being on the executive board.
The SCA is currently working on organizing the first homecoming dance in two years for the students. They’re planning homecoming court, pep rally activities, and Volleyall and Powderpuff.
For the future, the Executive Board looks forward to possibly planning a Winter Formal. They can’t wait to see what a school year with only limited COVID-19 concerns holds for the school.
Jill • Oct 1, 2021 at 8:54 AM
Good Article.