FCCTV studio: the hidden gem of the second floor
The FCCTV studio outside the library. The studio is a gem of the school that most people do not notice.
November 10, 2021
Tucked away next to the Meridian library, the FCCTV studio goes unnoticed by most students and staff, not to mention the general public. A large studio space is available for anyone to utilize, full of filming equipment to rent.
However, there are a few requirements before you can use the space to film.
“We have to show the students how to use the equipment to make sure they are comfortable using it and we are comfortable letting them use it,” said Michael Timpane, who oversees the FCCTV studio.
But if you’re a student you can drop by the station anytime. FCCTV staff [Michael Timpane and Justin Stiegley] are typically there between 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. If you’re a member of the public, you can do the same thing, or you can email Michael Timpane and express interest. You can also call the station at 571-830-6761.
We talked to a few students asking if they knew about the studio or have utilized its resources, and they all came to a similar conclusion about the space.
“I know of it, I’ve never really been to it,” senior Ciara Theisz said. “I think it would be cool to make videos using professional equipment instead of my phone.”
The studio space is open for anyone to use.Anyone interested can email Micheal Timpane, FCCTV staff member, at [email protected] You can use this link to get in contact with someone at the studio: http://www.fallschurchcableaccess.org/contact.html