What will next year look like?
March 1, 2022

Many Meridian students and staff enjoyed the holidays, short days, and last-minute snow days we’ve had this year, and will be glad to know that most of those events will still be here next year. The calendar for the 2022-2023 school year is out. It’s not much different from this year, with most holidays and short days from this year continuing through to the next.
First off: holidays. Next year holiday-wise is looking the same as this year, with many holidays being a day off rather than students and staff having to take off school to celebrate them like in previous years. Some of these holidays include Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Diwali, and many others that were not previously school holidays before this year.
“Falls Church City is very devoted to equity,” said Dr. Zernik, a member of the calendar committee and teacher at Meridian. “I will say, as somebody who does observe the Jewish holidays, for me to have to take off as a teacher to take off Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur at the beginning of the year was very disruptive.”
Keeping this in mind, the administration has made these days off not only for those who celebrate these holidays but also for those who do not celebrate them. Because of this, students and staff are not absent or left behind in classes when they cannot attend school for these religious or ethnic celebrations.
“It is very important that we have them off so that we can worship the way we want to,” Dr. Zernik said. “For future calendars as well this change looks to be permanent, and it is not only the FCCPS system that is making these changes. Fairfax County is also taking these holy days and holidays as days off next year.”
This change in the calendar also allows for a smoother transition from summer break to school since many holidays such as Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and Diwali are celebrated so close to the beginning of the year.
Next: short days. This has not changed much. The plan is that we will still have short days once every month and each day during the week of June 12, which will be exam week as well as the last week of school.
Speaking of which – school will be ending on June 16 next year and beginning on August 29, assuming that too many snow days don’t eat into the 180-school day schedule.
“There are a certain amount of snow days that every calendar has built-in. We also have the advantage now because we saw that it is possible to do virtual days,” Dr. Zernik said. “We can do that, but we want to balance. We have to balance that you know you guys are still kids. There is nothing better than a snow day.”
These changes and continuities from this school year’s calendar to next year are not just for Meridian High School, but the whole of the district.
“We have made this conscious decision to really have equity for everyone,” Dr. Zernik said.