Ask Truman #5
Ask Truman is Lasso writer Truman’s advice column.
March 31, 2022
Hey guys. I’m Truman. They gave me an advice column.
People sent a lot of good questions via the Ask Truman Google Form (linked here), and the @LassoMeridian Instagram story, so I did my best to answer all of them.
What’s 2+2? I keep asking people, but everyone either gives me a weird look or ignores me. Please help me out. -Ur Mom
Dear Ur Mom,
Pretty sure it’s 22. Give me a few weeks and I’ll try and get back to you.
Now that you’re graduating….What is some advice you’d give to a freshman that is just starting high school? -AJ
Hey, AJ.
As my high school career draws to a close, I often find myself looking back at what I could have done differently to improve my experience. For instance, in the hallways, always give corners a wide berth when turning them. I’ve seen one too many head-on collisions with people who hug the corners. Another thing to note is that the school lockers are often more of a hindrance than a help. Just carry your things with you. In my experience at least, time you spend returning to a locker containing your belongings is time wasted. Lastly, make sure your school pictures turn out ok. I’ve been trying to chase down the copies of my sophomore yearbook photo for the past three years. I will likely never succeed.
Star Wars or Star Trek? (Also, please don’t respond with “Who watches Star Trek?” or “You need to get a life.”) Some Nerd
Hey there, Some Nerd.
The answer to your question is Star Wars. Star Wars, absolutely. Who watches Star Trek? You need to get a life.
Hello Truman. I’m in quite the predicament. There’s this human that I maybe like, or perhaps I just enjoy their company. Problem is, how do I make it known to them I would like to spend more time, specifically outside of school, together and clue in there are feelings attached? Aaron Lockheart
Hey, Aaron.
In my honest opinion, if there’s a person you like enough to want to spend time with them outside of school, then I think you just ask them to hang out sometime. You don’t necessarily have to tell them that feelings are attached straight away. Just try hanging out one day and learn more about them. There certainly isn’t a need to rush things off the bat. When it comes to things like this, there aren’t many things that can be promised. However, one thing I can tell you for sure is that you won’t know how something could have turned out until you try. Long story short, just shoot your shot. I’m betting that whoever you maybe like would love to spend some time with you as well.
Thank you to all the people who sent in questions. I do my best to answer every person asking for advice, so if you want to be in the next installment of Ask Truman, ask me a question in this form.
Until next time.