Meridian High School Student Newspaper - The Lasso

The Lasso

Meridian High School Student Newspaper - The Lasso

The Lasso

Meridian High School Student Newspaper - The Lasso

The Lasso

The Code of Honor

Graphic by Tessa Kassoff

For the month of May, The Lasso is featuring a collection of short stories submitted by seventh grade students at Mary Ellen Henderson Middle School. You are cordially invited to take a break from reality and take a ride into the vivid world of short fiction!​​


The Code of Honor

By Jack Disantis

Inspired by Alan Gratz


We were walking along a dirt path toward the Dwight D Eisenhower military base in Afghanistan when I heard the first shots. And all of a sudden there were neat round bullet holes in the dirt at my feet. We started sprinting towards the base sweat pouring down my face when I felt a shock of pain. I wanted to live past 21, grow up, get married, and have a family but I wasn’t going to live past 2017. Then I hit the dirt as everything went black.


15 days earlier. The Road Towards The Base.

“OMG,” I said as I looked at the big tan building with a big American flag with just a few trees surrounding it. I grip my SMG tightly.

“We could be attacked at any time” says my friend, a tall man with a buzz cut and a tan military jacket. The jeep rattled along as we entered the base. We parked and were met by our new captain.

“You are requested by the commanding officer. He has a special mission for you but says you need to train for 2 weeks first, so get going.”

We walked by tons of soldiers training and vehicles. The soldiers were active, doing obstacle courses and other training. “Wow,” I said.

“You will need to go through this advanced training before your mission may commence,” the sergeant said.


Over the next two weeks, I grew stronger, faster, and more equipped to go on a spec ops mission with the Navy SEALS. Finally, it was time for my meeting with the commander. We walked into a short stubby building where the commander lived.

“My mission for you … I want you to break this terrorist den near the border of Pakistan. They have been planning to bomb the white house. We need to stop them.”

“Yes sir,” I said. 10 minutes later we were rolling along in our black van. “Wow,” I said. That was when I heard the first shots. Pwang! Pwang! The driver swerved and we jumped out of the van.

“That’s the group we were after,” my partner said grimly. I started firing as I ran toward my base then bullet holes at my feet and then everything went black. I woke up in a ditch.

“Ohhhh,” I groaned. I noticed my bloody side. I had been grazed by a bullet. I slowly walked toward the base. Just as I got inside they attacked. Bullets whizzed by hitting my comrades. I ran to the armory and got an RPG. I swiftly ran to the top of the tower and aimed at a plane’s gas tank. KABOOM! The plane exploded as I reloaded. 20 seconds later all of their vehicles were gone. We charged and mowed them down, they were running away into the mountains as we sniped at them from behind. As we had dinner that night the commander told me I was a real soldier now. I had learned the code of honor.

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