This fall, the Falls Church Art Gallery presented a new exhibition “Beauty in Diversity,” featuring local artists. The gallery contains art created with varying types of media, but all unified by the common theme, “Beauty in Diversity.” Tony Nsofor curated the exhibition.
Out of the approximately 80 pieces of art submitted, only around 60 made the final cut. Nsofor personally selected each item; he chose the ones he thought satisfied the theme. Nsofor commented that while the exhibition unified the pieces, it also underscored the local and global perspectives that make them unique. He said it allowed the artists to showcase their individualism and background.
“We celebrate our individuality, and we keep hoping the center integrates all of our diversity in ways that allow us to thrive, instead of suppressing one path for the other path, instead of favoring one path over another path, you are given equal opportunity to grow, to show your best,” Nsofor said.
He explained that there is an equal opportunity for everyone. The exhibition serves as a place to celebrate the personal views of artists from different stages of life.
“Diversity can become a tool that can be used either positively or negatively, but it’s beautiful when it’s used positively, when it is about inclusion,” Nsofor added.
Nsofor placed a high focus on the inclusion aspect of the exhibition. Each person will think differently or approach ideas in their own way, which creates diversity. With all these varying points of view from the exhibition, there isn’t a clear target audience. Instead, the “Beauty in Diversity” exhibit is targeted towards people of all races, genders, and ages.
“Whatever I’m putting out there, I’m hoping the right people will hear it. It’s just people getting the message. With the internet, and all that, one can never think that you’re speaking to just this specific crowd.”
At its core, “Beauty in Diversity” aims to compile art to be celebrated both in Falls Church and beyond.