Just Falls Church City Things


Eliza Bonilla

Falls Church is a funny little bubble with its own quirks. Chances are, if you live in the little city, you will identify with most, if not all of them.

Knowing everyone’s family

You can probably list your classmates family history and remember when their siblings were born. Their parents most likely volunteered in your TJ classroom or organized a school event. A common phrase in FC kids conversations is “I just saw your parents at____.” Plus, you refer to FC families by their last name only.


Knowing where everyone lives

After living in the same 2 mile area practically your whole life, you probably have a pretty good mental map of where everything is, including your classmates houses. In any other places you might be labeled as the school stalker for the information you hold, but in falls church city it’s a pretty normal occurrence to have an answer when someone asks you were a peer lives. And, one of your many talents is using other people’s houses as landmarks.


Having really embarrassing pictures of people from elementary school

As a majority of the school is composed of so called “lifers,” people who have been in the FCC school system since day one, your collection of old yearbooks is definitely chock full of embarrassing photos dating back to Mount Daniel days. Think of the power that holds; blackmail that can last a lifetime. Like when you thought putting silly bands all the way up your arm was cool, or the time you thought bangs would suit you, or when you honestly believed matching stripes and polka dots would call for a perfect outfit. Photographic evidence of the most awkward moments of your existence will exist forever more in the basements of 700 people.


“Downtown is o.5 miles away” signs either aggravate you or you find them ironically hilarious

“Downtown”? That’s not a thing! Falls Church city is two. Miles. Long. There’s no downtown or uptown people, it’s all just small town.  


Bus stops are a block apart

You probably exit the bus, saying bye to your friends, only to have them exit at their stop so close to yours that you can awkwardly wave to each other in silence across the small stretch of sidewalk separating you, maybe you can even communicate in sign language. Plus, missing the bus is no tragedy.

Your house is so close that if you happen to miss the bus, walking home or to school takes about the same amount of time.


Outsiders think you have a lot of friends, but really your city is just so small

When non Falls Churchians (do we have a name?) come to visit you they’re probably amazed when walking down the street you run into about 5 people you know. They probably deduce that you must just have a lot of friends. But you know the sad truth of your lonely existence, the city is so small it’s kind of hard not to know everyone, but no way are you telling them that. Let them continue to be impressed with your false popularity.


Seeing your teachers outside of school

Nothing beats the awkward eye contact and internal battle as you spot a teacher in public. Do you acknowledge them? Will they acknowledge you?  Do you mention it in class the next day?Teachers have lives??? Crazy. Plus, some lucky people in Falls Church city are blessed to have their teacher as their neighbor.


Casually visiting Washington DC

You can’t quite comprehend that people go to DC for vacation because you basically grew up there. You often find yourself taking it for granted that you can casually go to the United States Capitol whenever you want to. When freinds and family visit they always want you to give them a tour.You probably can perfectly navigate DC by now and proudly give directions to tourists. And, when people ask where you’re from, saying Washington DC is the easiest answer. When they react with amazement, you realise just how lucky you are.



Small Businesses

Though it’s only two miles long, FCC is full of its unique, family owned small businesses. Staples such as Mike’s Deli and Clare & Don’s have a cult following and are filled with FCC students and families on the daily. If you leave the city boundaries, however, nobody will have heard of them. They haven’t lived.



Your friends always leave you

Falls Church city attracts so many foreign service families that your friend group basically rearranges itself every year with people coming and going. Why do you leave us??? Stop it. You always know that befriending a state department kid will cause so much pain in the future, but it’s worth it. And,when they’ve left, you can stalk your friends cool new lives abroad on social media and feel really jealous.