The definitive best Halloween candy, 2021 edition

The best Halloween candy.

Editorial Board

Welcome to the third annual edition of our picks for the best Halloween candy. Two years ago and last year, we disagreed on the superior Halloween candy and this year is no different. So we did what any good journalism nerds would do: write an article and ask for feedback. Here are this year’s picks:

Sam (Co-Editor-in-Chief): Last year, I wrote my favorite Halloween candy was candy corn and I was made fun of relentlessly. School administrators told me I was the only wrong selection in the article. (Hi Mr. Laub!) A coward’s way out would be to pick a more conventional candy and tell everyone what they want to hear. But am I a coward? No! Candy corn is the best! Sure, I puked my guts out the last time I ate it, but that is just part of the experience! I stand by my choice! Candy corn forever!!! #LongLiveCandyCorn

Eva (Co-Editor-in-Chief): I went out strong for Werther’s last year (maybe too strong), but times have changed, and so has my taste. Heath Bars, in their almond-flavored glory, are my favorite. A thin, buttery toffee bar with a light layer of chocolate coating, you can have at least three bars before feeling overwhelmed by nausea like you might with sweeter candies. They can stand alone, they can be wrapped into shortbread bars, they’re in short, simply the best. (Runner up is most definitely fun-sized Three Musketeers. A whole bar is too much nougat, but the minis? Candy bowl gold.) 

Megan (Managing Editor): Swedish Fish are by far my favorite candy. They’re a fun color and a nice break from a traditional gummy bear. Many people wonder, what flavor are they? This question is irrelevant because they taste delish. If you’re feeling extra fancy, you could go for the Trader Joe’s version: Scandinavian Swimmers.

Audrey (Features Editor): I’m a sucker for those Sour Patch Watermelon slices. They’re a classic, albeit slightly offseason, fan-favorite. Who’s gonna say no to a delicious watermelon sour patch slice? You’ve got sour, you’ve got sweet, and the colors are so vibrant! They’re the perfect chewy consistency. Actually, this is a bold take, but I like them better when they’re a little stale. Like, if they’ve been left out from the night before and they get a little hard on the outside but stay soft in the middle. I’m very particular. 

Isabel (Opinion Editor): Nestle Crunch Bars are unbelievably underrated. They’re such a versatile classic, bringing contradicting textures with their crunchy rice puffs and smooth milk chocolate. You can let the chocolate melt and then eat the rice, you can eat it all at once, you can wash the chocolate off and eat it as a bowl of cereal (please don’t do that). Crunch Bars are for sophisticated people who can appreciate the simplicity of milk chocolate and the fun of a crispy texture. 

[Editor’s note: the following is a transcript of Google Doc comments in a response to Isabel proposing that one can wash the chocolate off Crunch bars and eat it as cereal. (Edited for grammar)

CLARA: I do that. It makes it healthier.

STELLA: I literally didn’t know that was possible. You monster.

SAM: This sounds awful. I’ll try it tomorrow.]

Clara (Features Editor): It might be a super basic choice, but there’s a reason why Reese’s Peanut butter Cups is one of the most popular candies and my own personal favorite. The peanut butter to chocolate ratio goes absolutely perfectly with a cool Halloween night. I’d also highly recommend leaving peanut butter cups in the freezer overnight for a different variety of the classic candy. The frozen peanut butter is truly a riveting experience that everyone must try this Halloween.

Truman (Video/Broadcast Editor): My favorite Halloween candy is KitKats. That being said, I would like to take this opportunity to express my dismay at the existence of white chocolate KitKats. White chocolate is just complete garbage. Irredeemable, repulsive garbage. Don’t ruin KitKats with it please. Just make the normal ones. Stay in your lane, KitKat execs.

Stella (News Editor): No, I am not copying Truman when I say that my favorite candy is KitKats (if you don’t believe me – I wrote about them last year, so if anything, Truman copied me). They are a delicious combination of crunchy wafer and sweet milk chocolate, and not even the worst of KitKat disparagers could convince me otherwise. (To Truman: This may be the only time I ever agree with you about anything. Enjoy it while it lasts.)

Liam (Managing Editor): White Chocolate KitKats. You may be wondering, “does he really like these?” The answer is, kinda. I think they’re okay, but what’s better than okay? Great! And what’s great? Annoying Truman! 

Mrs. Lietzen (Advisor): Reese’s Peanut Butter Pumpkins are the best. It’s a known fact that the shaped Reese’s candy is better than the original because of the peanut butter to chocolate ratio, and the pumpkins are no different. For those who don’t have peanut allergies, Reese’s pumpkins are clearly a top-tier candy. 

Disagree with us? Are you filled with rage about this? Leave a comment!