Dear Loyal Readers,
Matters of the Heart is back for our first edition of 2024. For those who are yearning for love, we hope it is your card this year! Wishing you luck (you don’t need it).
Help! I like my coworker and I do not know how to approach him. We talk here and there…..but it’s just too awkward!
Work crushes are fun and entertaining, but if you feel this awkward around him, you may not actually have a connection.
How do I deal with heartbreak?
Heartbreak is one of the most natural and unique human experiences. Allow yourself to fully experience your emotions, but also have hope for the future. Focus on you! It sucks in the moment but know that you will be stronger because of it, learn about yourself, and maybe even be grateful for it.
I like these two people and one likes me back for sure but the other is cuter and I think likes me but idk who to choose if any, help pls.
Don’t lead on the one who likes you. Only pursue the relationship if you feel like there is a genuine connection, but it sounds like there isn’t. No one wants to feel like a second choice. If you like the other guy then go for it!
I’ve been told that I’m a little intimidating, and I feel like that is affecting my relationship track record. Do I expect too much? How long am I going to have to wait for what I feel like will make me happy?
Firstly, you shouldn’t feel the need to change for anyone. The person you are meant to be with will not find you intimidating and like you for you. Don’t lower your standards! It will happen when it happens. Don’t force it. And remember that being in a relationship will not make you happy. Cultivate your happiness and values now, regardless of whether you are in a relationship.
I am in love with someone I’ve now dated for over a year, and this chilly December she is moving away from Falls Church! She might come back to finish High School, but it is not sure when 🙁 My parents are a bit strict and not supportive of long distance, and don’t want us to/wouldn’t let me do LD… Oh Lasso, my Lasso, what do I do!!
Aw so glad you’ve come to us for advice <3. We are so sorry to hear that geography is soon to force you two apart. Long distance is likely to be difficult so pausing your relationship for some time may be a good option, while also allowing you both to learn about yourselves beyond the relationship. There is always hope for the future, but as hard as it is, don’t hang on to the past.
Recently, I attempted to ask a girl out whom I’d been interested in for a while for the past 2 years, but instead I got ghosted. Later I found out she was already dating someone at the time. Now, I’m trying to figure out someone else I could ask out, but it seems like most of my options are already taken. Now I’m really worried that I’m not going to have a date when prom comes around, and I’ll just be lonely. I really don’t want to be lonely again. Can you help me?
Honestly, you don’t need a date – you need a reality check. Dating should not be about “options” or avoiding loneliness. Dating is about real, raw connection. Take the negative transactional attitude out of it! Prom is just a fun social event, you don’t need to center it around a partner. You can always ask someone as a friend or as a spontaneous decision. Don’t put too much pressure on it. You should be with and pursue someone who fills your heart.
So I think I might find turtles attractive…
That is not normal!